Irish Eyes Photography

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Feelin' Groovy

the “tea and biscuits” section of the blog is where we can hang out and get to know one another. Imagine us in a small cottage in Ireland, sitting by the fireside with tea and chocolate biscuits to accompany our storytelling. This is where we get to know each other, dear reader. So please share your stories too!It's Friday! Hooray!  And it's a great Friday for no reason in particular.  I find myself feeling really happy today.  Things are going really well both personally and for the photog biz, and so there is nothing I can do but rejoice in this happy moment!Mike and I have found an adorable house that we can't wait to call HOME.  We will hopefully close, as scheduled, on February 28th and then officially be homeowners!  Sometime after that, we'll add on a studio so Irish Eyes Photography can officially have it's own home dedicated solely to great photography (and not also functional as a living room, as our current location is! ha!)  We are verrrrry excited and can't wait to share all the homeownership progress with you.   I love decorating, so I am all a flutter (and subscribing to far too many home decoration themed blogs...might be inspired to start my own... more on that later).The wedding is also fast approaching, and we have had to sit down and calendar (yup, I just used 'calendar' as a verb) every single thing on our wedding and house to-do lists so that we don't spontaneously combust before the big day.  I think we'll manage but... only time will tell!  :)As for the photog biz... I am thrilled with all the directions we're headed.  Work is coming in at a much more steady pace and things are only looking up.  Hooray!  I have big plans for this business of mine!  I love it so much; I feel so complete when I'm being creative and I am digging all the great relationships that develop with my clients.  You guys rock!So yes, things are pretty fantasic, this Friday morning.  The sun is shining (for now) and tonight, I get to go on a date with my fabulous fiance.  This redhead is smiling today.What's happy that's going on in your life today?  Do tell!-Kerry:)