Irish Eyes Photography

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Rosie Mae is Six Months Old!

Before I begin today's post, can we all just take a minute to say, "WHAT?!?!?"  Yup.  Rosie Mae is six months old.  Time is F-L-Y-I-N-G.  Every time I see even the tiniest developmental milestone pop up, all I can here is Samuel L. Jackson's character in Jurassic Park: "Hold onto your butts!"  I can't believe it's been six months.  And yet, I can't believe it's ONLY been six months.  When I think back on my life and picture myself in, say, high school or, living in Dublin, I feel like she was there.  I haven't inserted her in my memories or anything, but I feel like she must've been off to the side of my view - just hanging out.  Surely she was always there, right?  Right?...Parenthood is crazy.I love it.Anyway, onto the regular post structure for her monthly photo:Every month, I take a photo of my daughter sitting in her Uncle Chris’ childhood rocking chair.  Here is her six month photo…This month, we were lucky enough to have her birthday on a Saturday so Mike, Rosie Mae and I could spend it together.  We had plans to go apple picking with my family but for various reasons, my family couldn't make it.  I had my heart set on her monthly photo being taken in a pumpkin patch, so the three of us set off to Applecrest Farms in Exeter, NH.  This was the place I always went as a kid and I remembered the pumpkin patch was right next to the parking lot.  This would work perfectly so we didn't have to lug that rocking chair all over apple orchards and fields.  It was an overcast day with the constant threat of a terrible storm so we took it one task at a time.  Task #1: the photo.  Once that was done, task #2 was lunch.  Still no rain, so task #3 was to pick some apples.  Off we went and we had a great time roaming the orchards with practically no one else around.  The hillside was dark and stormy with a crazy wind but no rain - in other words -- it was gorgeous.  Our little threesome had a great time.  Rosie Mae happily sucked on an apple.  I think she was in heaven.  I think maybe we all were.Task #4 was to pick up some cider donuts for ourselves and my mum.  We managed that in time -- now to task #6 - Cider and syrup.  That we JUST got in as the first raindrops fell.  We carted our wares back to the car, running and laughing like fools.  Rosie Mae thought it was the funniest thing in the world, to see us being so silly.  We got into the car and headed home just as it started to downpour.  Success!The point?  We had an absolutely fabulous day for Rosie Mae's six month birthday.  It was definitely one to remember.And, as usual, here's the visual recap of the monthly photos.  Starting at the top left corner and going clockwise, you can watch her grow before your very eyes!Because six months is a big deal, and because she was a riot while I took her photo this month, I'm sharing the outtakes full size.  Let's all laugh at her together...First we have another laid back smile.  This was a big contender for the monthly shot.Then we have whatever this face is.  Mike and I laugh every time we see it.  All I can think of is Al Bundy...This is her noble look:This one cracks me up!  The expressive face and hand -- what story do you think she's telling???Finally, this one was the top contender for the monthly photo until we made a last minute decision to change it to the one we picked.  This one shows how she is always our happy smiling girl! We love that smile so much.And just for good measure, here's the monthly photo on its own.  We picked it because she looks so old and so cute in it.  We love the way she's looking into the camera.  We just love everything about this picture.Happy six months Rosie Mae.  We are so proud of you.-Kerry:)