Irish Eyes Photography

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Christmas Mini Session #10 - One is Silver and the Other Gold

I have lots of little friends in my life, thanks to being a children's portrait photographer.  Each and every one of them has a special place in my heart.  I have to say though, there is one special friend that has a strong, strong hold on me... And that's little Roo.

Now, let's be clear - though Roo also happens to be my best friend's little girl and therefore, I have a strong personal connection to this kiddo, right now I am strictly speaking from the business side of my heart.  Photographing Roo's first year was a HUGE growth period for me as a photographer.  By visiting with her so often with camera in hand, I was able to really learn about my strengths and weaknesses and push myself to grow creatively and technically.  Roo was my constant and my abilities were my variables.  If you enjoy my work, you've got her to thank for where I am today.  So, she has a special hold on me.  She's my gold.

So today I'm not only featuring my old gold friend, but in this session - we get to make a new friend!!!!  If you remember from this post, Roo has a baby brother!!!  This is his first time strutting his stuff on the blog.  It's looking like he's going to be just as easy to photograph as his sister is.  I am so down with that.

Now, speaking unprofessionally, you should all know that we like to think Little Brother and Rosie Mae will get married some day.  Other than God, this is the only betrothal my husband approves of, so, let's hope it works out.  I can't picture Rosie Mae in a nun's habit.

Back to the cuteness.  Be prepared to keel over:

Is his smile not the best?!Are you handling the overload of adorable?  How 'bout now:Roo was too young to be able to blow on the glitter, but I still thought she'd enjoy playing with it, so, thanks to her mother's fabulous suggestion, we had her toss it up in the air:Love it.

And, to end the evening (as well as the entire weekend of mini sessions), we took a family portrait.  It's easy to see where these two gorgeous little ones got their good looks from.

Also, the hand-holding?!  Seriously... are you all reading this from the floor?!  How are we all handling it?!


To everyone who came out for the Christmas Mini Sessions -- I offer my sincerest thanks.  It was such a wonderful weekend filled with happiness, sun, laughter, and A LOT of glitter!  :)  It definitely got me in the mood for Christmas and, now, it's a mere 3 days away!  Holy cow!I have so much more to share with you but I'll be taking the week off to spend with my family.  We're celebrating a first Christmas around here, so, lots of smiles are expected.  I want to soak in each and every one of them.  I'll be back with lots of goodies after we all celebrate the New Year.  I even have a few new ideas up my sleeve for 2013 that I hope many of you will try out with me!So, from the blog I say, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and thank you SO MUCH for all the joy you've given me this year.If you're not ready to say goodbye to Irish Eyes Photography for the year yet, be sure you're following me on Facebook because there is lots of fun happening over there.  I'll still be posting every day at 9am, 3pm and 9pm with Christmas Carol trivia! See you there!-Kerry:)