Irish Eyes Photography

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Christmas Mini Session #6 - A Family Affair

Today we have a family that is very near and dear to my heart.  Not only do they rank pretty high up on my list of favorite people ever, but they're also entirely too photogenic for their own good.  Each and every one of them.  I mean, c'mon:Gurl's got sass.

These are two sisters that love each other dearly --- but also torment each other relentlessly.  THEY remind me very much of my own relationship with my little sister.  Truth is though, there is SO MUCH LOVE underneath all that torment.  And beauty.  A heck of a lot of beauty.

I teased you with the idea of pandas and I make good on all my promises:I mean, those hat/mittens are awesome.  Seriously awesome.  And I don't know how Big Sister is getting away with rocking children's accessories as if they belong on the runway, but she totally is.

And then.... there's this picture:

I am in love.

Little sister had an idea for a pose so, we humored her.  As we should all expect by now, it was actually a pretty adorable suggestion.  Maybe Little Sister should be my new assistant:

I've mentioned before that at the end of most of the mini sessions, I let the kiddo's enjoy some fun with glittery snow.  Well, this whole family wanted in on the fun.   The result was pretty awesome (and pretty close to snowy!):(Teehee, look at Big Sister's pants.)

Dear Big Sister:  Usually I am very VERY careful about sharing an equal number of photos for each sibling.  I hope you'll forgive me because, this time, I'm sharing two extra of Little Sister.  I just HAVE to share the look of wonder on her face as she blew on the glitter.  I know that you're a wonderful, sweet girl so I know you'll forgive me.  Yours Always, Kerry:)

When the shoot was over, Little Sister proclaimed, "I don't want to stop I'm having too much fun!"  We all melted and laughed at the sweet outburst.  I hear later in the car, she said again, "I don't know why everyone was laughing; I really was having so much fun!"

THIS is why I love my job so very much.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's post:  The pressure is on!  My wedding photographers (therefore, photographers I seriously respect and admire) stopped by for a family photo shoot during the mini sessions.   AH!
