Irish Eyes Photography

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Rosie Mae is Fifteen Months Old!

Every month, I take a picture of my daughter, Rosie Mae, on her monthly birthday.  Here she is at fifteen months:

After she turned one, the goal of these photos was to capture her being herself on her monthly birthday, as she is, doing whatever we had planned to do.  It just so happened that breakfast was the only time I'd get to spend with my girl this day, because I was shooting a wedding all afternoon and evening, and she, lucky duck, was headed to the Cape with her dad to celebrate her cousin's birthday.  So, breakfast it was.  And, just like every other day, she sat at the table wearing her pj's and whatever hair accessory she had chosen to wear that morning.  Today it was a much-too-small headband that she put on her head like a sweatband.  She had her whole wheat waffle and, though it's normally a banana in the morning, we were out so she got her favorite: an apple.  We three (RM, Mike and I) sat and laughed and talked while I snapped a few photos.  Here are some of the runners up:

She's watching her Dada put his dishes in the dishwasher.  I love the way she looks at him, even in little moments like this.

100% most accurate picture of her:

Stealing some of my cereal.Judging me.Challenging me, apparently. And, my particular favorite.  She's cracking up because she stole my spoon.

Every day is a hoot with this one.

Love her too much.


P.s. To see past monthly features, click on the “portfolio” tab above, and then click on the “Rosie Mae” option.