Irish Eyes Photography

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Christmas Mini Session #3 - Irish Eyes Photography - Weymouth, MA

Today I get to share one last Christmas Mini Session from this past year.  There were a couple more sessions that weekend but I am very serious about respecting people's privacy (you'll note pseudonyms are often used here) and, so, not all sessions get to be shared.  It's a bummer because there were some seriously adorable sessions I had to keep wrapped up tight, but my clients' comfort comes first.  Always.

Luckily, most people do opt to have me share some of the session highlights because they're excited about them too!!  And, lucky me again, those people ALSO had seriously adorable shoots.  Like this one.

These two silly girls came to me for the first time last year.  Their mom tells me last year's card was the talk of everyone who received it, so she gladly came back this year to wow everyone again.  I LOVE hearing happy stories from customers!  I can't take all the credit for her Christmas Card success though; not only does Mom know how to dress these two to fit the part, but she has a great eye for picking out the right card options which results in a great looking Christmas Card.  I hope this family always comes back every year so I can design their card together with their Mom.  It's always a pleasant experience.

Anyway.  Enough about that.  Let's check out these awesome sisters and how much fun they had!

One key to getting kids to warm up for photos is to start with the fun, silly stuff.  So I broke out my new favorite prop collection for these mini sessions: Christmas Photo Booth Props.  You could be Santa, Mrs. Claus, various elves, Rudolph, etc etc etc.  These two opted for Rudolph and the green-hat elf.  They got such a kick out of these props!  First shot out of the day = adorable and, a perfect ice breaker for getting kids ready to have fun.

Irish-Eyes-Photography-Christmas-Mini-Sessions-2013-20Mom remembered the red glossy J-O-Y from last year and mentioned it.  I told her I had that, but, I also had this great new prop as well - same word, bigger, rustic, and LIT UP.  She was just about as excited as I was, so we went for it.  Both this shot and the one above ended up on their Christmas Card.  Love that.

Irish-Eyes-Photography-Christmas-Mini-Sessions-2013-21Sometimes, siblings don't want to look like they like each other too much.  The love is there but it's always awkward to show it off in front of a person they don't know that well while lights and cameras are focusing on them.  So, I throw out some silly suggestions like... jumping hand in hand... to get around it.  Not only does it result in a fun action shot....Irish-Eyes-Photography-Christmas-Mini-Sessions-2013-22...but it results in a hand-holding-sisters-with-big-smiles shot when they land.  C'mon, how happy do they look?!?!  I love it! Irish-Eyes-Photography-Christmas-Mini-Sessions-2013-23By the time we got outside, they were all warmed up and ready to pose without me even asking them to.  How sweet is this snuggly photo?!Irish-Eyes-Photography-Christmas-Mini-Sessions-2013-24A bonus of dressing the girls up in outfits that work for Christmas but aren't particularly Christmassy?  Mom gets some awesome portraits out of it that she can keep up all year long.  No one would know these were taken during a Christmas session! Irish-Eyes-Photography-Christmas-Mini-Sessions-2013-25Don't both sisters have stunning eyes?!  Gorgeous.

Irish-Eyes-Photography-Christmas-Mini-Sessions-2013-26Of course, it wouldn't be a Christmas Mini Session without the throwing-snow shot!Irish-Eyes-Photography-Christmas-Mini-Sessions-2013-27I think they had fun.

I KNOW I did.

These girls are awesome.

Thanks for coming by again, ladies!  I hope to see you again next year!  Maybe sometime we'll do a full session so we can really play and have fun at some great location around here.  Maybe even Mom and Dad will jump in for a few shots.  :)

This might be my last mini session to share, but fear not, even though I'm on maternity leave I have a few more session from before Christmas to share.  So stay tuned!  The best way to do that?  Like Irish Eyes Photography on Facebook! Untill Monday,-Kerry:)