Irish Eyes Photography

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Mr. B's Youth Acting Headshots - Irish Eyes Photography - Boston, MA

I'm on Facebook.  I'm on Facebook to connect to people I am not able to see all the time in person but I still care about them and care about what they're up to.  It's thrilling to find an old friend that you lost touch with and to suddenly be in touch with them again.  A few years back, I experienced that very thrill when I found a friend of mine from Southie.  We had danced together for a few years at Miss Linda's School of Dance.  I always thought she was pretty rad but, after I moved, we lost touch.  When I photographed the wedding of another one of our dance classmates, we reconnected and, of course, found each other on Facebook.  Since then, I have looked forward to each and every of her posts.  Mostly because they're about her sons.  And, while her older son is equally hilarious, I must admit I look forward to hearing about Mr. B. here the most.  You see, Mr. B. and I are kindred spirits.  Not only is his heart after exactly what mine was after at the same age (the theatre and all that goes with it), but he's actually experiencing it from many of the same stages I did in my youth.  As his talents lead him to big and wonderful things, it was time for him to up his game and get a professional headshot.  I could not have been more delighted when my friend contacted me to do it.  I was finally going to get to meet Mr. B.

It was everything I had hoped it would be and more.  He is awesome.

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Mr. B. is surely a comedian.  But he certainly knows how to convey great emotion as well.  I was massively impressed with how well he connected with the camera.

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One thing to keep in mind when doing youth headshots, is how quickly your subject can change.  Case in point: teeth.  Mr. B. is missing one now, but he won't be for long.  If these headshots are to last him a year or so, it would be smart to choose an image without his teeth showing.  Which was hard to do, because, LOOK how adorable he is!

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Mr. B. is a sassy and confident kid who feels completely comfortable in his own skin.  He thinks outside the box and, thanks to some incredible parenting, he feels encouraged to do so.  I had recently cleaned out a box of my old stuff and knew he would get a kick out of this license plate.  I was not incorrect.

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p.s.  Eyelashes for daaaaaaaaaaays.  I'm jealous.

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He's just so good at connecting with the camera!  His heart is in the theatre but he could absolutely work in film.  Maybe someday.

I LOVE this last one.  I love it in color but I had a feeling a deeply contrasted black and white would be stunning too.  I believe I was right.  His eyes!  Ah!  The freckles!  AH!


Mr. B. has made his decision as to which one is his official headshot.  He's already had it printed and now it's in hand ready for any casting agents. Which one do YOU think he chose?

I'll give you a hint:  it's a color one and you can't see his teeth.  Share your guess on my facebook page and I'll reveal the answer tomorrow!

-Kerry:)p.s. we all get to see Mr. B. again in a month when I take portraits of him with the rest of his family.  I cannot wait.  These guys are far too awesome.p.p.s. to see the entire gallery from his shoot, click here.