Irish Eyes Photography

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The P Family Lifestyle Session Teasers - Worcester MA - Irish Eyes Photography

I had the great pleasure of shooting a lifestyle session for the P Family.  Not only was it great because they are awesome and the twins are ADORABLE, but I also got to enjoy a nice long ride to get there and back without kids in the car!!!  Life is good, people.  Life is good.

But enough about me and my little personal victories.  Let's meet the P family.  A mum, a dad, and a pair of one year old twins make up this fantastic foursome.  They got in touch with me to shoot a lifestyle session in their home.  Lifestyle sessions are my most favorite.  If you're not up to date in photography lingo, a lifestyle session is where I come to your home and shoot you living your life.  Nothing is posed, everything is candid and everything is real.  Real is amazing.  Real is truth.  This is what your family looks like.  Posed pictures are lovely too - but these sessions really hold my heart.  I am honored to be asked to capture people in their element.  I am humbled to be a fly on the wall during a family's day to day routine and all the intimate moments that come from it.  It's lovely.  I am lucky to have the job that I do.

Here are some teasers from their session:

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They both have SUCH stunning eyes.

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Can't you just hear him giggling by looking at this image?

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Baby fingers on Dad's face.  How relaxed they are even though he's upside down and up in the air.  He knows Dad has him.  He knows he's safe.  He knows his dad is awesome.  I love this.

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I can't wait to share more!
