Irish Eyes Photography

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Irish Eyes Photography Community Photo Challenge Week #23: Father

With Father's Day in the middle of our challenge week, "Father" seemed like an easy challenge word.   We had less participants than usual this week so I guess it was harder than I thought!  It's really interesting to me to see what people find easy and what people find too hard.  I am always surprised by which words catch ME off guard.  Just because I come up with the challenges doesn't mean I have any idea what I'll do.  This week I assumed I'd post an image of my husband dad'ing it up with our kids.  And I did take some images on Father's Day.  But none that seemed to be what I wanted for this challenge.  So I went an entirely different way.  You never know where this challenge will take you!  Let's see how everyone did, shall we? #irisheyesfatherYou can click on any image to see additional descriptions if you'd like. If you participated and you don't see your image included, check your hashtags (#irisheyesfather most importantly), or, if you want to be included in the gallery, make sure your profile is public.  You don't HAVE to have a public profile to partake in the challenge, but you do have to have a public profile if you want the image to show up in the gallery. Be sure to check in on the Group Page to find out next week's challenge!

Irish Eyes Photography's Community Challenge started on January 17th, 2018.  Here are the weekly challenges this far:

Have a wonderful week everyone!-Kerry