Irish Eyes Photography

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Two Year Old Ava - Part Two of Three

Welcome to the second installment of Little Miss Ava's two-year-old photoshoot!  You can see the first installment here, and her one-year-old photoshoot here!

As you can see, Ava started perking up once those apples hit her system!  How cute is she?!?!

Kerry: Ava, put an apple on your head.  Ava does so.  Kerry nabs this adorable shot and then Kerry and Ava's mum burst into hysterics so...

Ava puts more apples on her head, and cracks herself up. :)  We had so much FUN at this photoshoot!

We stuck Ava in an apple tree and she was so excited!  This photo I have to include not because it's good, but because it absolutely cracks me up every time I come across it.

She thought sitting on a tree branch was just the coolest thing she had ever heard of.  I have a thirty year old tree-climbing fiance who would agree with her!

Too cute!  Love her!

Stay tuned for installment #3!
