Year of Roo - 2 month.

“Roo” is my best friend’s baby.  And as a shower gift, I gave her a “Year of shots.”  Every month, my bestie, Roo and I get together and chronicle Roo’s life.   Check out her first month shots here!

Still sleepy at 2 months.  So peaceful in her mother's arms.

Costume change!

So serious.  The clenched fist/tongue sticking out combo just cracks me up!

I just love how expressive her eyes are.

What's more adorable than a baby yawning?!

And, though slightly out of focus, this is perhaps my favorite photo of the evening.  :)

Next week we'll be shooting Roo's 4-month shots!  I can't believe she's almost 4 months old!!!  We had to skip her 3 month shots due to the holiday craziness, but we'll make up for it with month 4.  It's going to be good.

Have you thought about doing a year of shots for the little one in your life??? Get in touch with me and we can work out a package exactly as you'd like it!



Gift for the Grandparents
