One Happy Little Gal...

On the same day as the Dorchester Heights photo shoot, I continued on to visit a very special family in my Irish Eyes.  You see, this little one I am about to show you is the result of two great people coming together and getting married.  And that marriage happens to be the first wedding Irish Eyes Photography ever shot.  It was THE BEST experience and, when I was a bride myself, I tried to make sure my groom and I were as awesome to my photographers as these folks were to me.  My experience with them made wedding photography a definite avenue I wanted to walk down and, I'm shooting my second wedding next month!  I couldn't be happier.

Anyway!  Our fun-loving and easy-going bride and groom had a baby!!!  And, that baby has taken on the best qualities of her parents.  From the moment I got there she was nothing but huge smiles.  In my normal (over-used) joke, I said, "save those smiles for later!"  Clearly... I had nothing to worry about.  She smiled through many outfit changes, many poses, and even a bit of a chill in the air.  She was AWESOME.  Now, enough outta me... let's get onto the cuteness!  Literally, this was the 2nd picture I took.  I didn't even have to do anything!  She was just ON!  (The only reason the 1st photo didn't make it was because her Mum was still in it from positioning her... but, believe me, she was still grinning already then too!)This one I love.  Even with Mum in the background.  I love seeing her gripping Mum's hand and yet being so invested in the camera.  She also had some HILARIOUS expressions!  Her family is going to get such a kick out of some of the shots in their private gallery!  I giggled out loud a bunch of times!That hairdo... Fantastic.Even in props, she was grinning from ear to ear.  Usually this is when the kiddo looks at us like we're nuts.  She totally went with it!  (A second post on a very special moment with this prop is coming soon after -- keep an eye out!)Teehee, I just love seeing her little eyes peeking out.Love this one!  Not only is she a cutie-patootie and not only do her parents have excellent taste in decor (and always have, in my experience), but the pictures on the mantel are from their wedding!  Photos taken by Irish Eyes Photography!  It's so wonderful to see your own work displayed with pride in people's homes.  This was a touching moment for me.  I am so happy they had a good experience and, came back for more!This photographer may have mentioned that I had just done some naked baby photos at the shoot beforehand so these parents grabbed hold of the idea as well.  I love it.  Kids love being naked! They always make for great photos!This one is just too hilarious!  I feel like I can hear her squealing with laughter each time I look at this photo.  Just goes to prove - we have a lot of fun on photo shoots! A bit of a more serious face, but still sooo invested in the camera and so darn adorable.  Plus, I absolutely love the color combo of the wall paint, the chair, and her outfit.  Good job again, decor guru's!Another one that makes me smile.  She clasped her hands in front of her face after a giggle!  The happy family.  (And more photos from their wedding by yours truly on the wall behind them.  I am so honored).Love.

As I mentioned, I have a little more fun to share from this shoot so stay tuned!  And don't forget to book your session with Irish Eyes Photography today!  Look how much fun we have!



And then, she pulled herself up!


Dorchester Heights Session (3 of 3)