Irish Eyes Photography

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Maternity Leave.

Since little Miss Rosie Mae's arrival could come at any time now, I am officially declaring maternity leave.  Clearly it's already been a bit of a ghost town around here as Mike and I have been very busy getting ourselves ready for her big debut and, are almost done.  Just a few little minor details to attend to (and none of them are hugely important) and then we're all set!  Because of this (and the general wintry slow season of photography), it's been quiet around here.  Since I'll be taking care of a brand new human, it will continue to be quiet around here for another month or two.But, I have big plans to be back with gusto after maternity leave.  Let us not forget we have a contest winner's shoot to look forward to, as well as the Center Stage Dance Recital, and lots of other fun springtime goodies.  I'm thinking about doing a day of Springtime Mini Sessions in late May, so if you're interested, let me know!If you want to get quick little bits of newborn baby goodness in the meantime, be sure to check in on the Facebook Page to get updates on our little one!  There will still be a post or two here, of course, and a great way to find out when is to follow us on Facebook.  I do have a giant nursery reveal planned but am awaiting some original artwork (can't wait!). Of course, the big exciting reveal will be her baby announcement!  So keep checking for that!  Oohh the billion ideas floating through my head!So, please get in touch if you're interested in booking a shoot after May 15th.  But before then, I'll be working on learning the ropes of motherhood!  Wish me luck!In the meantime, my wish is for you to enjoy this beautiful spring we seem to already be having (Mike and I saw flowers blooming on our walk yesterday!), breathe the fresh air, and wave hello if you see me around town pushing a stroller in the coming days.  (I can't wait for stroller-walks!!!  weee!!!)-Kerry:)p.s. If you need a shoot scheduled before May 15th, please still get in touch as I have some wonderful peers I could refer you to.p.p.s. The photos above are from my shower --- a big thank you to my friend Sue who took pictures for me!