Rosie Mae is four months old!!!

Every month, I take a photo of my daughter sitting in her Uncle Chris’ childhood rocking chair.  Here is her four month photo…Taken on the beach at sunset while vacationing in Connecticut, this shot was a bit harder to get than other months.  After a long day of fresh sea air, we waited for the sun to move away so she wouldn't be at risk of a sunburn.  It was officially bedtime and my sleepy girl was aching to be put down for a good nights rest.  But, ever the professional, she rallied and we got our four month shot on her four month birthday.  And yes, we lugged the rocking chair with us on vacation.  Consistency is key, folks!   I'm happy we lugged and she rallied; I'm a big fan of this month's photo.I'm a big fan of her, too.  :)Here's a look back at the last four months...It seems like she's such a big girl these days, compared to before.  They really do grow so fast.  Mike and I are trying to be very conscious of enjoying every minute.-Kerry:)


Baby L Teasers - Newborn Photography - Westborough MA


South Boston Memorial Softball Tournament