Why We Walk

If you follow Irish Eyes Photography on Facebook (and if you don't - you should!), you know that tomorrow, Rosie Mae and I (Mike is away on a trip) will be walking with the rest of our team for The Good Samaritans 5K Run/Walk 2012.We walk (or run) to raise money for the prevention of suicide.  Our team leader, Sue Dosenberg Kelly, lost her brother Greg to suicide ten years ago.  For his tenth anniversary, our team has set a lofty goal of $5,000 to raise.  At the time of this post, we're 62% there.You can read about our team's efforts in The Weymouth News.

Sue put together this amazing slideshow.  Check it out:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4q0caq3xUSg&feature=colikeBeautiful.  Sue wrote and sings the song you hear.  She wrote it for her brother Greg before he passed away.  It says everything, doesn't it???I am walking for all the reasons you see in the slideshow, but also because I love and support my dear friend Sue.All it takes is just a small donation from each of you that reads this to get us to our goal.  Strength in numbers is key.  Be a part of our number; be a part of the strength that the Good Samaritans use to save lives.Here's the link to donate:  Dosie's Team 2012Thanks for your time.  If you'll be at the walk on Saturday, we will see you there!-Kerry:)------p.s.On a lighter note, I thought I'd share something related but fun:In an effort to get Rosie Mae to pose with a piece of paper (specifically, with a piece of paper you could read something off of), I had to go through a few outtakes to get the ones you see in the slideshow.  Because some of them are HILARIOUS (and some are just simply cute, if I may say so about my own daughter), I thought I'd share some of the good ones.  Enjoy folks.  My favorite is when she does the inevitable and eats the paper.

Irish Step Dancer


Matt - A secondary photoshoot