Testing a new backdrop...

For the little ones this Halloween, I thought I'd bring in another setup other than the much loved barn scene.Here's the barn scene from last year:This was a huge hit so of course I am bringing it back this year.However, some of the little ones had a hard time sitting up on the hay.  So, I figured I'd bring in a second look.  I'll also have a small wicker chair that I'll be painting a festive black for the mini {mini} sessions.Here's the second setup... along with my little one modeling off her costume:Which setup will you choose for your kiddo?---Can anyone guess who Rosie Mae is supposed to be?  (For those of you who know, keep quiet so others can have fun guessing!)I've always loved Halloween so I've always had fun with it.  Trying to figure out what Rosie Mae's first costume was going to be was HARD.  When the idea finally dawned on me, I knew it was exactly right.  I am so excited about her costume this year.  And every time I put it on her, she smiles like a big goon so, I think she loves it too. :)-Kerry:)


The I Family (Part 1)


Rosie Mae is Six Months Old!