Rosie Mae is Eight Months Old!

First, some business... The last post was Rosie Mae's 7 month celebration and here we are at 8 months.  One would think I wasn't working this month but quite the contrary!  I've been so wonderfully busy with holiday shoots and orders - most of them top secret since Santa will be putting my prints under many a tree, so I haven't been able to show off my work.  However, I have permission from some people now, so, starting next week I can catch everyone up on all the work I've been doing during this most wonderful time of the year.  Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, 2 days late (again, due to the crazy (crazy amazing!) amount of work I've had going on), here is Rosie Mae's 8 month celebration.  Thankfully, I did manage to take the actual photo on her monthly birthday.  So far, knock on wood, I've always been able to do that.  Phew!


Every month, I take a photo of my daughter sitting in her Uncle Chris’ childhood rocking chair.  Here is her seventh month photo…

We picked this one because it was so funny how she looks like she's holding court.  Here are the two runners up:

This was a hard month because we both LOVED this photo.  A great smile with excitement in her body movement, it was perfect for a Christmas shot.  BUT, this shoot wasn't about Christmas - this was about her being 8 months old.  Since last months photo was such a great smiling shot, we figured we'd go with something different for this month.

And, this is just hilarious:

Meanwhile, here's one that'll melt the heart of all you Christmas lovers out there:

This month I had a helper around to make sure our mobile little girl didn't fall flat on her face.  So, as a thank you to Rosie Mae's Grammy, I'm sharing these.  I'm sure all you Grammy fans will love 'em.  :)

As has become tradition, here is a recap of the last eight months.  I always wonder if the recap is necessary, but then I put it together and marvel in her growth.  She's growing right up!  I can think back to that first harried afternoon, when I setup the rocking chair in our dining room and Mike and I just prayed she didn't fall over as I snapped away and he stood guard.  There was little to no concern for a decent picture... all that mattered that we got a shot of her in the chair and that she survived the ordeal.  Here we are eight months later, all of us pro's at the rocking chair shot and, looking back at all the shots we've gotten -- it makes me so happy.  I never imagined this rocking chair theme would work out so well.  I can't wait to see these all in an album at the end of the year!

I'm just loving this whole Mum thing.  It's pretty great.

-Kerry:)Psst.  Rosie Mae visited Santa last night... check out her reaction over on Facebook and share your own Santa photos!


Christmas Mini Session #1 - Sisters


Rosie Mae is Seven Months Old!