Baby E - Some more favorites - Everett, MA Photography - Irish Eyes Photography

You saw the teasers and, according to my web stats and comments, you loved 'em.  Now, Baby E's parents have placed their order for photos to adorn their home and it's time to share a couple more.

Baby E and her parents were given a gift certificate to Irish Eyes Photography at her baby shower from a very close friend.  That same wonderful friend is the one who gave them the adorable owl hat, the purple, pink and brown blanket, and the cupcake hat.  She purchased all of these with this photo session in mind.  She also bought one more item:  these adorable little "shoes:"

How cute are they?!?!?!  (Also, what an incredible friend, huh?!)

In order to get that leg-only shot, I had Dad hold Baby E.  While transitioning into position, he held her like this.  I couldn't help but snap a photo.  This little candid is one of Mom's favorites.

We all giggled and wow'ed at the Call-Of-Duty shot from the teaser set.  Afterward, I, A Call-of-Duty ignoramus, Google'd a bunch of images and thought I'd try something.  So, unlike any newborn photograph out there in the current market, here is my waaaaay over-edited, gritty attempt at making it look like a shot from Call-of-Duty.  I had no idea if I was even close but Baby E's mom told me it was pretty good so I'll just pat myself on the back for this one.  Hahaha.

Lastly, some plain old cuteness.  With a raised eyebrow.

If you know Baby E and are interested in seeing more or purchasing prints from her session, simply click on this link here to be taken to her gallery.  You'll need the password and for that you'll have to ask Mom or Dad.

It was an absolute pleasure working with this family.  I hope this is only the beginning for Baby E and Irish Eyes Photography.



Mommy & Me Mini Sessions with Irish Eyes Photography


Baby E Teasers - Everett MA Newborn Photography