Irish Eyes Photography

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Rosie Mae is Twelve Months Old! ONE YEAR!

This post is the latest I've ever been with sharing my daughter's monthly shots.  I've managed, all year now, to take the photo ON her exact monthly birthday (pats self on back for that accomplishment) and I usually share the photo on or very close to the date as well.  This month, I'm a week late.  There are a number of reasons for this:-busy with work while she's been napping.  -Spring sprang, so we've been outside as much as possible.-busy with play-dates and Rosie Mae plans.But, I think the real reason this hadn't been posted yet, is simply:-I couldn't believe she was one and maybe postponing this post would delay it a little longer. :)AKA - denial.  It's a beautiful thing.The photo had been chosen, the visual edits all made, but I stalled myself at the text.  Words escape a Mum, when it comes to their babies growing up and hitting milestones.  It happens all the time.  This was my time, I guess.  I never got terribly emotional about her turning one but then again, I'm not a terribly emotional person.  I admit, there have been a few tears-welling-up-inside-but-never-actually-pooling moments, but that's about it.  Mike and I have done our best to live in the "now" with Rosie Mae, and, so even though this year was insanely fast, I don't feel like it went by too fast.  I don't feel like we miss our little newborn.  Every day gets better and better and we delight in that.  I can't wait to see the new ways she'll grow everyday.  Still, my baby turned ONE.  I'm still stuck in the, "whoa" of that notion.Anyway.  We're finally here and I'm ready to post so, let's get on with the show!  I apologize in advance; I have quite a few extras to share with you today.  I hope you don't mind.---

Every month, I take a photo of my daughter sitting in her Uncle Chris’ childhood rocking chair.  Here is her twelve-month/ONE YEAR photo…

Here were some of the other images we considered:

I LOVE the askew crown on her head and the look on her face, but I personally loved the one we picked because it looks like she's clapping (she was) and I thought that was a nice way to celebrate her being one.  She's applauding her milestone.  :)  The truth is, I think this one was Mike's favorite and, we came to a halt on which one to pick.  So, we actually brought Rosie Mae in and had her point to the screen with the images side by side.  Mine won.  :)  'Atta girl.  :)We love the happy grin on her face here, and again she is clapping.  I also pondered this one because she doesn't have the crown so it blends in with the rest of her monthly portraits better.  BUT - it's her BIRTHDAY! She deserves a crown. :)

Oh, hey, those of you paying attention at home who are friends with me on Facebook - this month is also a preview shot!  It was taken in her big girl room.  That's the paint color we choose and the rug that will be on the floor.  After all that time trying to find the perfect coral paint color, I think we did it! :)  I'll share finished room shots when it's all done.

I got my standing picture.  I love it.  But decided to still go with the seated shot to round out the year.  I do plan on continuing these shots for one more year, so, maybe we'll vary it up a bit now.

The next batch are just fun shots.  Like this one of her excited about the balloon.  I also love that Mike's hand is in it.  It is so wonderful when there are months that he is able to help out.  These sessions are a lot easier on Mumma's nerves when there's another person there to keep her from face planting off that chair.  LOL.  This time she even had Grammy there for extra entertainment.  It was great.

"Here, Mumma.  I'm done with the crown."I love catching her looking at Mike.  Daddy's little girl.This is a close up of her and her crown.  Isn't it STUNNING?!?!?!  I'll share the loooong story of my relationship with it's maker another time, but, for now, let me say it was made by the same person who made my wedding bouquet, the guys' boutonnieres, and the flower girls' crowns.  It felt right that Rosie Mae's birthday crown was made by someone who has infused such beauty into other special events in our lives.  This crown, gorgeous and fragile-looking as it is, was made with a little one in mind.  It's bendy so you can mold it to their ever growing heads and has extra ribbon so it fits for a long time.  Everything is moveable yet still sturdy and well attached.  Though there are pearls and diamonds glued on, you just have to be attentive parents and only allow the kiddo to wear it supervised until they stop putting everything in their mouths.  I LOVE IT.  Rosie Mae LOVES IT.  I can't wait for her to play dress up with it.  I love that it has so much meaning behind it.  The absolutely wonderful person who made it is my now dear friend Noaki Schwartz.  She owns Noaki Jewelry out in California.  Please do yourself a favor (especially if you ever plan to get married) and like her Facebook page, follow her on Pinterest (her taste is exquisite and often I find myself drooling over things she pins) and check out her website.  You won't regret it.BALLOONS!Let's take a closer look at the winning shot for her twelfth month:

And our beloved side by side.  You guys look at this one; I'll look away so I don't well up a bit again...

Her party was amazing.  She had so much fun playing with all the kids and shoveling cake in her mouth.  Those photos will be shared soon.  For now, I can breath a sigh of relieve because I have finally posted her monthly shot.  My little girl is one.  Some might now call her a toddler (I think the definition of "toddler" is when they toddle (walk) so, technically she's not there yet).  She shows signs of shaking off her infancy every day.  I look at her and see a little girl forming in her movements, her attempts at words and communication, and the glimmer in her eyes.  It baffles me and warms me and makes me happier than I can explain.  I am so excited for the life ahead of us.  For we three current Raileys and for whenever we're blessed with the fourth.  All good things.  Rosie Mae is our #1 GOOD THING.

OK.  I'm done.  Those tears are welling again....
