Mommy-and-Me - Mother's Day Mini Session - Irish Eyes Photography, Weymouth, MA

We met Baby E just a short time ago and now she's back!  Hooray!  I adore this little nugget.  We had managed to snag a few shots of Baby E and her Daddy at her newborn session, but we didn't get any with Mom.  Enter the perfect solution:  Mommy-And-Me Mini Sessions for Mother's Day!  I had setup an afternoon of short sessions for anyone interested.  The idea was to give mothers a chance to get out from behind the camera and be celebrated along with their children.  It ended up being a short mini session day with only two spots filled.  Lucky for you, they were both filled with Baby E.  One with her Mom... and the other with her Grammy!  Stay tuned later this afternoon for that feature.   For now, let's take a look at Baby E and her GORGEOUS mama.

I'm starting this post out with my favorite of the bunch.  I LOVE the joy on Mama's face.  It's exactly how I feel as a mum, so, it speaks to me.  I've gotten to know this mama since Baby E's first session and she radiates joy.  It's wonderful to be around her.  I think this shot captures that in all its glory.

Baby E was a bit annoyed to have to be a model again.  Enter the bottle.  This is one of my favorite shots because it's so real and every day.  Candid photography is my favorite way to shoot.I can't believe the expression and eye contact I caught on this next one.  Baby E is a natural.  Even if she is sick and tired of me.  Hahaha.Ugh.  Can you deal with how cute she is?!?!

So sweet.  So much love.

Baby E is a lucky little girl to be the recipient of such stunning mother's love.

Happy first Mother's Day, Mama.  Enjoy every second of it.-Kerry:)p.s. remember to stay tuned for the Grammy-and-Me session!  Coming this afternoon.


Grammy-and-Me - Mother's Day Mini Session - Irish Eyes Photography, Weymouth, MA


Rosie Mae is Thirteen Months Old!