"Why I Love" Wednesdays - Lindsay Miller

One of the features I'll be running on the blog while I'm on maternity leave is called "Why I Love This Photo."  Guest writers submit their favorite photos and the stories behind them.  Anyone can submit a photo and story - it's a fun way to appreciate photography and what makes it so important.  So feel free to send your story to me at kerryrailey@gmail.com.  I can't wait to hear it. 

Today, we have Lindsay Miller from Your Family Nest sharing with us.  Lindsay got in touch after hearing about the "Why I Love This Photo" feature, and not only did she submit a great photo, but got her co-founders to do the same!  So, this is the beginning of a three week Your Family Nest-Fest. Hahaha.  I'm pretty excited; these ladies shared some great stories and great shots.  Let's meet them together with their families, shall we?

Your-Family-Nest-Featured-On-Irish-Eyes-Photography-Why-I-Love-This-PhotoPhoto credit: Hike Photography.  Used with permission.

From left to right we have Lindsay Miller, Bethany Gummow, and Sue Rego - each with their gorgeous families respectively.  I can't wait to hear more from these smiling ladies, can you?!

Let's meet Lindsay first, shall we?

My name: Lindsay Miller
Occupation: Co-founder of Your Family, LLC and operating room nurse
Ages of kids: 5, 2.5, and 1 year
Town I Live in: Kingston
Business Description:  Your Family, LLC was started by 3 moms who love all things pregnancy, labor/delivery, and bringing baby home.  We love helping families transition to life with a newborn and are personal pregnancy concierges.  We also pair doulas, nannies, and sitters with our families!
Started in October of 2012, Your Family LLC has been a labor of love.  Our combined desire to nurture families transitioning to life with a newborn is quite incredible.  We all had profound experiences being pregnant, laboring and delivering, and raising our young children that we couldn't help creating Your Family.  We want to support, guide, and share laughs with our "families" and create lasting relationships.  Our care has no end.  We will join a family at any point in their parenting journey and stick with them as long as they like.
Our website is fun and always being updated!  www.yourfamilynest.com
Our Facebook page is another great way to get to know 'the family": http://facebook.com/yourfamilynest
Need a warm body to chat with? (508) 919-NEST
Prefer to email?  info@yourfamilynest.com


 Lindsay's gorgeous photo submission:

Your-Family-Nest-Lindsay Miller-Featured-On-Irish-Eyes-Photography-Why-I-Love-This-PhotoPhoto Credit: Peter Cirincione.  Used with permission. 

Here is Lindsay's story:

I found this photo minutes before writing this.  I had never seen it before and I am so happy I found it!  I was looking for a photo that was professionally taken, and then this candid gem came into my life.
Photos have always been a huge part of my entire life.  My sister still uses my dad's Pentax and I cherish those pictures more than anything.  Digital is great, but film is so special!
This family photo was taken in July of 2013.  We were vacationing on our beloved Nantucket Island.  This was a great day.  We spent the morning and afternoon at Jetties beach with my parents, my sister and her family, and my aunt and uncle.  The weather was perfect that day at the beach, sun poking in and out of clouds, kids were happy, so that meant I was also!  By the time we headed back to the house, the sun hid behind a blanket of thick clouds and decided to stay that way for the afternoon.  Even overcast cannot ruin a day on Nantucket.  We played baseball and football in the yard, ate drippy popsicles, and snacked on local eats.  It really doesn't get better for my family.  My 6 year old calls Nantucket "my happy place".  He is so right on.
My uncle who has a background in photography asked us if we wanted a few family pics.  My gut reaction always is "but I look awful!", however, this was my chance for a few classic Miller family pictures and capturing our moment.  I sucked up the fact that I wasn't showered.  I don't think my boys are going to look at this in 20 years and say "wow, mom you really should've cleaned up for this".  Well, at least they better not!!!  We chose the front of the house because the hydrangeas are always a great backdrop choice.  I love that my 6 year old was making a goofy face, I love that we are all close together and really happy.  I love that we are barefooted, salty, and sunkissed.  I love that we are the family we are.
Well, I love this story immensely.  I feel like I was there on Nantucket with Lindsay and her kids.  I can totally feel the chilly drippy popsicle on my sunkissed hand!  What I love most though, SO MUCH, and familiar readers will know exactly what part I'm going to mention, is how Lindsay got in the picture despite being "unshowered."  Besides the fact that she looks lovely, comfortable, and oh-so-happy, she is right; her kids are going to LOVE this photo forever and never be concerned with the fact that Mum isn't wearing makeup with perfectly coiffed hair.  Nope.  They're going to love it even more because this is probably the Mum they see the most.  And personally, I think she looks amazing in this photo, don't you?!  Beautiful family and a beautiful memory to share.  Thanks Lindsay!  I hope to meet you one day soon!  Maybe I'll hire you to take care of my newborn (and toddler) while I take a nap.  Or seven.

Come back next week for another guest blogger and why they love their photo!  And if you're interested in submitting, I'd love to have you! Email me at Kerryrailey@gmail.com or message me via the Irish Eyes Photography Facebook Page.



Rosie Mae is 21 Months Old!


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