Conor is 1 Month Old!

Every month, I will take a photo of our son sitting in his Uncle Chris’ childhood rocking chair, just like I did with our daughter.  Here is his first monthly photo…


For a fun comparison this month, I thought we could take a look back at Rosie Mae's first month.  Rosie Mae was so small we had to replace the thin pillows that go with the rocking chair with a large and fluffy one to help her sit up more.  I tried to have Conor use the same pillow, just so we could get a good size comparison, but he's so big it boosted him too high and he had no head support!  I guess that gives comparison enough. Our little moose. Hahaha.


The setup is still basically the same; though the outfits and the location will change, the rocking chair and the bare feet are the thru-lines.  While I don't intend each month to include throw backs to Rosie Mae's text, I did copy a few words here and there for their first month just for fun.  See if you can spot 'em.

I also gave Conor some fun new fonts to make it fit his personality more.  At least, his personality so far.  :)

With Rosie Mae, we did a side-by-side comparison of each month so you could see how much she's grown.  Here is her entire first year:

Irish-Eyes-Photography-Baby's-First-YearAnd here is the beginning of Conor's:

Irish-Eyes-Photography-Baby's-First-Year-2I'm so excited to be diving into another two years of monthly photos; kind of makes the sting of Rosie Mae being almost done a little less.  :)

Where Conor was born on the 3rd of the month and Rosie Mae the 6th, these posts for the next 3 months will be close together.  Feel free to send in a story for Motherhood Mondays or Why I Love Wednesdays so we can break up the overuse of my own kids on this blog until I return from maternity leave.  Hahaha.-Kerry:)


"Why I Love" Wednesdays - Susan Rego


"Why I Love" Wednesdays - Bethany Gummow