She's Two.

Irish-Eyes-Photography-Rosie-Mae-24We celebrated on her birthday with a Tinkerbell party.  We lucked out with an incredibly beautiful day and so we moved the party into the backyard.  All of her family and friends were in attendance - including her very favorite fairy...Tinkerbell.  Picking a favorite this time was hard not only because there were lots of fun shots, but because it was the finale to our monthly catalog.  Now, we'll just do shoots on her birthdays and half birthdays.  We thought the one we picked was a pretty great finale shot.  Here are some others we loved...

Irish-Eyes-Photography-Tinkerbell-Birthday-01Irish-Eyes-Photography-Tinkerbell-Birthday-04Irish-Eyes-Photography-Tinkerbell-Birthday-05This next one we loved because it was as if she was looking toward her future.  But in the end we wanted to see her face for the final shot.Irish-Eyes-Photography-Tinkerbell-Birthday-07She was so enamored with Tink.  She barely cracked a smile while she was with her, but I think it's because she was just in shock.  She STILL talks about how Tink came to her party, blew bubbles, and hugged her.  She also demands further information as to when Tink is coming back to see her.  Irish-Eyes-Photography-Tinkerbell-Birthday-08Irish-Eyes-Photography-Tinkerbell-Birthday-09And nope, I did not wipe her face before our little posed shoot with Tink.  She was having too much fun and ate too much food.  She had the time of her life.  I like to think her messy face is proof of that.  :)Irish-Eyes-Photography-Tinkerbell-Birthday-09Two.  She's Two!  We love her so.  She puts the color inside of our worlds.

Thanks for coming along on this journey with me for the past two years, folks.  I love that people get excited every month to see each shot.  Now we get to celebrate Conor in the same way!  And thank goodness for that; I don't think I'd be dealing with the end of this tradition as well if I didn't have his to do as well.  :)

-Kerry:)p.s. Tinkerbell was amazing.  She does a whole slew of princess characters.  If you're interested in having her come to a party, let me know and I'll forward you her info.  She's spectacular. 


Buzz is Four Months Old!


Conor is 3 Months Old!