Buzz is Seven Months Old!
Every month, I take a photo of our son sitting in his Uncle Chris’ childhood rocking chair, just like I did with our daughter. Here he is at seven months...
This month, we were on vacation in Truro, MA (the last town before Provincetown on Cape Cod, for those unfamiliar). And like when we were on vacation for Tink's monthly photo, the rocking chair came with us. I was hopeful to get another beach shot like his sister's, but just in case it didn't work out as planned, I nabbed a few by the gorgeous waterfall in our vacation home's backyard. And man, did my little ham work the camera...
The shy look...This next one is just absurd. I mean, really.
Knowing we had such great shots, I wouldn't be upset if we totally missed out on the beach. Still, I wanted to try. Once the rest of our family arrived, and everyone was awake, we headed off to the private beach. A four minute walk and SIXTY SIX steps down a staircase later, we arrived. Tink delighted, fully clothed, in the water, and I tried to get Buzz to work his magic again.
Irish-Eyes-Photography-Buzz-Seven-Month-Runner-Up-04 appeared there was no magic to be had.
Totally. Over. It.
I grabbed the shot above and considered it the best we could do. I figured we would decide on one of the waterfall ones afterall, even though I had my heart set on the beach background. Somewhere in there, I had missed the tongue-out shot we eventually picked as the winner. I was so delighted when I saw it! Navy and I both agreed it was the perfect shot for his silly, seven-month-old self.
As always, we end with the monthly side-by-side comparison. Let me just say I really, really don't like this month's collage. Can you guess why?
Leave your guess on the Facebook post with the link to this entry and I'll let you know why tomorrow!