Irish Eyes Photography

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F Family Lifestyle Session - Irish Eyes Photography - Norwell, MA

Let me introduce you to the F Family.  My intern Anna and I had the BEST TIME working and playing with them in their lovely home.  We had a lifestyle session planned - which means we would be photographing everything photojournalistically.  We would follow them around as their day unfolded and capture them living their lives.  As soon as we arrived, Big Sister gave us the grand tour of the house and we got to see all the things that were special to her.  Little Brother had a great time crawling around and showing us the lay of the land.  It was a day filled with cuddles, laughter, a couple of tears (which some good snuggling easily mended), and lots of goofballery.  Yes, I'm declaring goofballery is a word now.This session in all its loveliness speaks for itself in the images, so let's take a look:Irish Eyes Photography F Family 2016-284Irish Eyes Photography F Family 2016-252Irish Eyes Photography F Family 2016-266The image below has some unplanned magic in it; Little Brother was playing and somehow seemed to get hurt.  He snuggled his Mumma and I caught this sweet shot.  Which is sweet enough on its own, but then look at the framed painting on the wall in the background.  I LOVE how they're mirror images!  So cool.Irish Eyes Photography F Family 2016-307Irish Eyes Photography F Family 2016 002Irish Eyes Photography F Family 2016-196Irish Eyes Photography F Family 2016-116Irish Eyes Photography F Family 2016-108Irish Eyes Photography F Family 2016 001Irish Eyes Photography F Family 2016-41Irish Eyes Photography F Family 2016-15Irish Eyes Photography F Family 2016-7Irish Eyes Photography F Family 2016-313We'll end on the one posed shot of the bunch.  This little ham had to get dressed up as a princess and pose for a few before the paparazzi left the house.The F Family came to see their gallery at their viewing session and created a few different installations of wall art for their home.  Large scale pieces for their family room, the hallway and the playroom.  The great thing about it is, each installation has a different feel; playful images for the playroom, cuddles for the family room, etc.  It's fun to create little stories for each space.  And to tell the entire story of this session, they bought a gorgeous album that they can open and experience whenever they want.Thanks for such a great visit, F Family!  Anna and I had a blast working with you!!-Kerry:) (and Anna too!)