Walden Pond, Fall 2009

These photos weren't actually taken with my big professional camera; I used my little old Canon Powershot and, while walking around Walden Pond with some friends, took a photo here and there.  Just goes to show you don't need fancy equipment to take a good photo... just take your own camera and look for whatever is beautiful to YOU.  You'll be happy you did, and quite impressed with yourself, I'm sure!

There is nothing like fall in New England.

Thoreau so had it right.  We all need to reach back to nature and live deliberately.

So peaceful.

As we move from fall into winter here in 2010, I hope you all find some of those last moments of autumn's peacefulness and beauty.

Have a great day!



Year of Roo -- 1 month.


Oldies but Goodies - One Year Old Ava.