Year of Roo -- 1 month.

"Roo" is my best friend's baby.  And as a shower gift, I gave her a "Year of shots."  Every month, my bestie, Roo and I get together and chronicle Roo's life.  So far it's only been 2 months but we've got some fun shoots planned for other months so keep coming back to see! 

Babies are such sweet sleepers.

In the first months, there's really not much you can get a baby to do other than lie there while you're at the ready to take a photo, waiting for them to make an expression that seems very..."them."  Even at just one month old, Roo was an expressive baby.  I loved watching her check out her surroundings, and ever so often key into her mum...that's who she knows so far.  And it's gorgeous to see their connection.

"Oh, hi Mum!  There you are!  I thought I'd lost you for a second!"

Roo and her Daddy.  I mean really, could this get any more adorable?!

I just love her.  Such a curious baby.

And So. Very. Happy.  :)

**If interested in doing your own "Year of Baby," get in touch with Irish Eyes Photography today.   You can choose the package that best fits your needs.  Monthly, quarterly, anything you want.  Not expecting?  These make GREAT shower gifts for your expecting friends!



Oldies but Goodies - the mahoneys


Walden Pond, Fall 2009