Irish Eyes Photography

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Gift for the Grandparents

This post had to be postponed until recently for fear of ruining the surprise, but some very cute cousins got together to get their portraits taken for their grandparents for Christmas.  I just love this idea.  It was a difficult group of varying ages; trying to keep a 3 year old entertained as well as a 12 year old can be trying (just ask any mother!) but we still ended up getting some winners.  Nana and Papou are thrilled and I can't wait for next year to keep the tradition growing.  Hope you enjoy them!

This one I include here only because it makes me giggle.  As soon as I lifted the camera to my eye I knew that spot wasn't going to work; the sun was in everyone's eyes and my shadow is in the photo!  But how funny are all the little ones covering their eyes and still trying to smile?!  Now that's dedication!

I was really impressed with how their mothers styled their outfits. It was the end of fall and I would've totally thought greens, knits, oranges and browns.  But the black and red is so cool. Great choice.  I'm totally digging how swanky they look!

They're each so different in how they address the camera.  It's so fun to see how little kids (especially siblings/cousins/etc) relate to the camera in unique and personal ways.

This one we took not thinking it would be framed, but it would be fun.  And it totally cracks me up!

And we have a winner!!!!  Happy Holidays, Nana and Papou!  Glad you love your photos!
