A Cohasset Christmas

We've got more Christmas goodies for you to feast your eyes on today!  This family, from Cohasset MA as the post title suggests, took advantage of our Black Friday deal where, if you booked in time, you photo session was HALF OFF!  I was very excited because this is a new family we're introducing today, and one that I've been hoping to get my camera focused on for some time.  When you see the cuteness that's mere moments ahead, you'll see why.  First we took some photos of just Big Sister in her playroom.  We jazzed up the space a bit to get into the Christmas Spirit.  My favorite decor item?  Dad brought up their Christmas tree skirt from the basement and suggested throwing it on the floor.  I LOVE it! Once again, we have a gorgeous girl in a rocking chair.  Must be a Christmas theme around here lately.  (See the other girl I'm referencing here.)Big Sister had a ball posing with all of her favorite Christmas friends.  Though she loves Max the Dog and Rudolph very much, Eric from Happy Feet is her most favorite.  :)Then it was time to add Little Brother to the mix.  These two both have such. gorgeous. eyes.  They were easy subjects to photograph.   (p.s. how fun is Big Sister's dress?!?!  I want one in my size!)  Too cute.  No sibling rivalry in this photo!  Just mutual adoration.  Love how comfortable they look together. Hehehe.

This next one I took randomly as Mom was moving Little Brother from one spot to another.  Though I tend to try to keep Christmas photos in color, this was such a funny face in a close up, I thought bringing the saturation down a lot suited it.  And it makes me giggle.

Look at those eyes!  And that's expression!  Ahhh!One more shot of the two together.  I love how sweet and happy they both look.  And Big Sister makes an excellent crutch for Little Brother (who's not quite upright yet) to lean on.  What a good sister!Just like Big Sister got her time alone, we also wanted to get some solo shots of Little Brother.  He did a great job.  Such a sweetheart.And, I end it with this one.  If you've liked Irish Eyes Photography on Facebook, you'll know that earlier today I posted about how I love my job because, as I go through photos, I come across one like this one and it makes me laugh out loud.  What a look of concern!  I didn't remember him making this face and I love that he's looking right into the camera.  I've been giggling happily about this one all day!  My job is so fun!

If you haven't liked Irish Eyes Photography on Facebook yet, get over there and do it!  Why?  So YOU can take advantage of the same deals that this family did.  Being a fan of us has its benefits.  We've got some great deals planned for 2012 so make sure you like us and keep checking our page for more goodies!

There are still a few days left where you can get your Christmas session done in time to get cards and photos out to your loved ones.  After Thursday, December 8th, it will be too late (if you want your photos in time to make Christmas Cards of them).  We're going on vacation until the 18th.  However, we are open for sessions the week before Christmas, as well as school vacation week after Christmas for any shoots you may want to plan then.

Happy Holidays!




Christmas Cards through Irish Eyes Photography


Merry Christmas, Baby K!