Father's Day Mini Session #1

The weather is a fickle, fickle friend.  What was originally planned to be a day of mini sessions for Father's Day with several different groups stopping by... was rescheduled twice due to rain.  Boo.  In order to make it work for all who signed up, the "day" of sessions was split up.  Some are even rescheduled for after Father's Day!  That's fine with me because now we get to spread the love.  :)  So, instead of sharing a teaser from each shoot in one big post, each session gets its own slot!  I think I prefer it that way anyway, don't you??First up, we have a mother and son who are surprising Dad with their photos.  The weather FINALLY cooperated and it was a great day to meet up with a brand new client at Webb Park in Weymouth.  We had a fabulous time.  Both mom and son are so-o-o photogenic!  Made my job very easy.  They were also both bursting with personality which was so fun to capture on camera (can't say "on film" anymore since it's digital!  Weird!).This little stud muffin missed his nap that morning and still managed to take such great photos, never frowning or whimpering once.  I, now a mom myself, was very impressed.  He pretty much rocked this shoot like a pro.  I think I fell in love with him a little bit.  I bet that happens to lots of people when they meet this little guy.A few things I love about these photos:

  • Check out his GORGEOUS eyes!  I swear I don't require the babies/kids I photograph to have stunning eyes but it seems I luck out all the time with my clients!  This lad was no exception.  Amazing!  And, the photos of Mom in this collage are further away so you'll have to take my word for it... her eyes are just as striking.
  • I love how much fun they're both having.  It was lovely to see and to shoot.
  • The long photo in the second row on the right --- love it.  I think you're all aware I have a special place in my heart for shots that are funny and less conventional, and his little scrunched up nose just kills me.
  • Mom brought this red chair along to use in the shoot and it worked perfectly!  Such a great pop of color with the greenery.  Awesome job, Mama!

Stay tuned for teasers from the rest of the mini shoots.  I can't wait to hear how all the Dads react!-Kerry:)


Father's Day Mini Session #2


Rosie Mae is Two Months Old!