Halloween Mini Sessions!

Well, a certain hurricane put a damper on the mini sessions this weekend.  Sigh.  BUT, Saturday was pretty successful considering most of you were running around buying all the water and bread in the area.  :)

Without further ado, here are the kiddos that rocked it...

A cuddly Lion and the Scream Guy.  Interesting combination of characters!  The Lion was quite relaxed in my second setup.  Hahaha this cracks me up every time!  "Come children, gather around Grandpa Lion and I'll tell you a tale of the old pridelands..." Seriously, I saw the boy put this costume on.  I knew a very adorable and friendly little boy was underneath.  Yet.. I still got the willies.  LOL.The Mario Brothers stopped by.  They were in a rush to save the Princess but I snapped this photo just as they ran past.  (I love the smile in Mario's eyes!)Then the prettiest little Monkey and Statue of Liberty I ever did see stopped by.  (Seriously, could these two be any cuter?!)Finally, this Chick walked herself over to the setup and posed.  And every time I see this photo I lose myself in a fit of gleeful giggles.


Nobody actually made it over on Sunday as the weather turned from gorgeous to doom and gloom.  While my little family and I waited for any brave folks to come by, we had our own fun.  I mean, I couldn't take pictures of other people's kids and not get my own in there, right?!?!?  What kind of mother would I be!?   So, here's our own little Red the Fraggle.

It was a smaller turnout for Halloween this year, and I can only assume it was due to the impending storm.  I'm hopeful for next year.  Two of last year's participants came back again and, if you come five times, you'll get the fifth one free, so hopefully everyone from this year will keep coming back.  I know at least one goober who will:

Thanks to all that came by!

Parents:  you'll receive your digital file by email very shortly (as long as my power doesn't go out in the meantime).  I'll also be putting these up on Facebook for you to share.  Just be sure not to crop out the logo for any Facebook sharing, please!


p.s.  Lots of folks have asked and I am happy to share where I got the Red the Fraggle costume.  The turtleneck was from Osh Gosh, the pants from Gymboree, and, the best part, the hat and tail, were made by Snugglebug Creations on Etsy.  If you need anything like this hat, I highly recommend Kylie.  I found her on Etsy because of a pom pom hat she had made, and asked if she would try her hand at Red the Fraggle pieces.  She rocked it and was nothing but an absolute pleasure to work with.  I will definitely work with her again in the future. 


A Few Mini Session Outtakes


Toddler "K" and the "Other" Webb Park - Weymouth, MA