Toddler "K" and the "Other" Webb Park - Weymouth, MA

Here on the blog, you knew him better as "Baby K" but, I don't think I can call him that any longer.  I started photographing this little stud muffin when he was less than a month old.  I am delighted that he and his family keep coming back.

For this shoot, Toddler K's mama wanted to do a really gorgeous Autumn session.  When I asked her where she wanted to do it, she mentioned the great favorite, Webb Memorial State Park.  I said that would be awesome but, I actually had checked out another location that I had overlooked before and thought it might be better for the Autumn look.  It's also new for me and I like new.  She agreed to try it out.  So what was this new place?  Well, the other Webb Park in Weymouth.  What I had glanced at before and thought was just a playground was actually a gorgeous location with rocks and trees and great gorgeous color.  It was PERFECT for this shoot and I'm so glad I gave this spot a second look.  This might be where I need to take all my clients for a while.  :)

We got out of the car and I immediately say this wooden gate within a stone wall and said, "AHGHGH!"  Toddler K's mama has worked with me long enough to know that's caveman Kerry speak for "let's go over to that awesome spot, shall we?"  So then this happened:

Since he was first born, I have reveled in Toddler K's eyes.  They are just unbelievably bright and clear.  This picture below was not edited in any way.  Those are his eyes.  Wow, right?!

Toddler K is often seen sporting a pretty amazing fauxhawk.  For this photo, I over sharpened it to give it sort of a grungier feel - though it was appropriate with how awesome his fauxhawk looks in it.

Seriously.  Those eyes.

I love when kids get silly with me.

It's been a long time since I've worked on edits and thought, "This would look great in black and white."  But seriously --- don't these rock in black and white?!

Are you enjoying these?  Do you think I've captured a happy, gorgeous little one?  I'm not looking for a compliment - I want you to know that if you answered "yes," you'll be interested to know that Toddler K was actually very much NOT into this photo shoot.  He practically threw a tantrum a few times.  Seriously.  Does he look happy in this photo?

Why share that?  Why am I telling you this?  At any shoot with kids, a breakdown is possible.  Parents often look at me during a shoot with fear in their eyes:  "My kid isn't behaving well!"  or "They're never like this!"  And the fear makes them think that none of the photos will come out because Junior never smiled and was miserable the whole time.  Here comes my point (finally): It doesn't matter.  Unless your kiddo is really blowing a gasket, photos like all the ones you see here of Toddler K are possible.  I am one sneaky girl.  I will get the pictures you want.  If I don't?  We'll work out a re-shoot.  I've had lots of angry/sad/bashful kids work with me.  I have never had a re-shoot.  Have faith, fearful parents.  Trust how sneaky I am.  Hahaha.

Pluto?  He made Toddler K feel better.   And that smile?  Lasted a half a second before he glared at his mother.  But, I was ready for that half a second.

This.  This is why hiring a professional photographer is worth it.

Toddler K will be joining me for the Halloween Mini {Mini} Sesssions and for a Christmas Session too!!  Keep an eye out!  And make sure to stop by or sign up yourself!



Halloween Mini Sessions!


The "R" Family - Pond Meadow Park, Weymouth MA