Rosie Mae is Ten Months Old!

Double digits, people!  We're so close to her first birthday it's freaky!  I have to finish those invitations and get her little party in order... ... ...Aaaaanyway... on with the show!Every month, I take a photo of my daughter sitting in her Uncle Chris’ childhood rocking chair.  Here is her ten month photo…As it always seems to be the case, choosing the photo for this month was hard.  Our final choice was due to the simple, straightforward grin on her face.  We hadn't had any like that yet.  So that won above all others.  Here are the runners up:We also loved this silly little grin but ultimately decided on the #1 choice because it was more full and engaging.I pushed pretty hard for the photo above, but Mike was right; we already had something similar in month # 7, and we try to go with something original each month.  But I love it.  LOVE IT.  You can't have a photo shoot with Rosie Mae without her making some sort of goofball face.  So, there ya go.  This one was the first runner up and only lost out because last month's photo was a silly one as well so we didn't want to do two silly ones in a row.  Otherwise, this was totally the winner.  She is nuts!Finally, the monthly collection:Only two spots left!  Ahhh!-Kerry:)


The G Family - Eastern Nazerene College, Quincy, MA


The P Family - Weymouth and Milton, MA