The P Family - Weymouth and Milton, MA

Ladies and Gents, I am here tonight to present to you the incredibly adorable Baby E and her family.  Check out this gorgeous girl...

I arrived at the home of Baby E's paternal grandparents and was greeted with smiles, a gorgeous home, and the smells of something seriously wonderful cooking in the kitchen.  This home, where 3 generations of the family have lived, is filled with so much warmth and joy.  Baby E is one lucky girl to be surrounded by all that love.  And that's just locally; she has a whole fan club in El Salvador as well!  Lucky girl.

As are many one year old's when they meet me for the first time (the me with a giant black camera in front of my face anyway), Baby E was skeptical.  She reserved her smiles for only when I truly deserved them (or for her parents of course).  But, a serious face is just as gorgeous as a smiling one sometimes.  Case in point:

The one above just screamed at me to be black and white.  As much as I ADORE the fabulous blue walls and brown linen couch, it was just so serenely dramatic I had to make it black and white.  It's been a while since I've felt the need for that in a portrait session.   As soon as I made the change I fell in love with the above portrait all over again.  She is a stunning little girl.

You'll notice the title says, "The P Family" and not, "Baby E."  So I should stop obsessing over how cute this little one is on her own and show off the rest of the gang, huh?  Hahaha.  Meet her parents.  These two have a beautiful story.  He was working in the Peace Corps in El Salvador when he met her.  And the rest is history.  So romantic.  When I was young and considering going into the Peace Corps after college, I totally made up the same story for myself in my head.  Ha!

See that A-M-A-Z-I-N-G artwork in the background?  Baby E's maternal grandmother made that.  It's stunning.  If I remember correctly, it's a mix of paint and fabric or yarn and it's just incredible.  I love that it hangs in her paternal grandparent's home, too.  What a wonderful meshing of families.

I love when I catch the Dad's adoring his wife and kids.  Love it. Looks like Baby E loves it too...

Yet another portrait that begged to be in black and white.  It was hard because Baby E and her mom both have such lovely skin and I didn't want to take away from that... but the drama in her eyes and the adoration coming from Mom... it just called for it.  So, there ya go.

When I say this was a family session, I mean it was a FAMILY session!  Take a look at FOUR generations of this wonderful family (and their gorgeous, perfectly decorated home).  How lovely.  And all so good looking!

After many family portraits with Baby E as the star, it was time for an outfit change and, since she just celebrated her first birthday, some smash-the-cake photos.   I love this one because it's the same face my daughter makes at me.  Hahaha.  I guess I bring it out in people.

At first, Baby E looked at her cake, and then at the rest of us like we must be NUTS.  It took a little while, but she eventually dove in and there was much rejoicing from her audience.

To the P Family - both immediate and extended - it was so wonderful to meet you all.  I am so happy you found Irish Eyes Photography and I hope this is just the beginning for us!

Stay tuned - the next post is Rosie Mae's 10 Month feature - think you can handle it???-Kerry:)


Rosie Mae is Ten Months Old!


Baby O - Braintree MA Photography, Irish Eyes Photography