Stunning Mother and Son Maternity Session - Irish Eyes Photography, Weymouth, MA

Ladies and gents, this next session I'm going to share with you is a stunner.  At least, my subjects are stunning.  I'll leave the photography judgement up to you.  On a lovely Monday morning last week, Mama K, Big Brother, my little Rosie Mae and I went to Webb Park (the one near the Landing) and took a couple pictures.  Mama K was kind enough to come all the way from NH for this photo session, and we were so happy the weather cooperated.

Let's begin, shall we?

Mama K is actually 8 months pregnant here.  Petite as she is, she still looks maybe 6 or 7 months along!  I may have had to ask her to stick her belly out now and then - just to make sure this was a maternity session and not just me taking pictures of a gorgeous woman.  :)

Here is Big Brother.  He may be the sweetest little four year old I've ever met.  Not only was he kind and gentle with his mom and I, but he also took very good care of my little assistant, who happened to join us on this photo shoot.  He is a sweetheart, and he is going to make the most wonderful big brother.  Seriously, Baby #2 is l-u-c-k-y.

My goofball, watching the action.

I don't know what I adore more; the look Big Brother is giving me in the photo on the left, or the cuddle he went into on the right, causing Mama K to give me that big huge grin.

So sweet.

While Mama K went to the car for a quick change of her shirt, I stole Big Brother for his own little moment in the sun.

I love this last one.  Capturing Big Brother in the middle of a big story.  So true.

Someone was feeling left out.  She crawled right through my legs and up on the rock Big Brother was standing on.

Mama K exudes an effortless beauty.  I'm pretty sure she's not wearing a speck of make-up.  She is a celebration of the natural woman.  I am honored to know her and, more importantly here, photograph her.

This is what was happening behind me as we took these shots.  I've created a monster.  I took the first shot, and she turned around and posed for the second.  I NEVER ask her to pose.  She's never heard, "say cheese!"  But she's a ham anyway.

This is my absolute favorite shot from the bunch.  I've said it before and I'll say it again:  Mama K is GORGEOUS.

Another quick change for Mama meant more shots of Big Brother on his own.  I love this first one - he's checking on Rosie Mae.  What an awesome kid.

I personally enjoy both of these shots:

...but this one is my favorite.

Mama K had an Irish knit sweater that she brought just for me so I could have Irish knit maternity photos.  So thoughtful!  I love it.  And, further proof that even at 8 months pregnant, she's super small; that's not a maternity sweater!

She also brought this awesome shirt for me.  Of course, I think she gets a kick out of it too...


Mama K and Big Brother, thank you SO MUCH for allowing me to photograph you.  I am so happy to know you guys.  I can't wait to meet the baby and find out the gender and the name!  Weee!  Best of luck in the coming weeks!If you're a friend of Mama K and her family, feel free to check out more from this session here.  -Kerry:)P.s. Motherhood week is coming to a close because Mother's Day is TOMORROW!  Are you ready to celebrate that special woman in you're life?


The S Family Teasers - Irish Eyes Photography - Brewster Gardens, Plymouth, MA


Remember when Rosie Mae turned one?