The S Family Teasers - Irish Eyes Photography - Brewster Gardens, Plymouth, MA

My newest studio policy, implemented in January, is to have in-person order sessions with my clients two weeks after their photo shoot.  It's a much more personal and fun way to show them their gallery (rather than just emailing them a link) and it's a nice way to round out the experience.  So far, everyone who's had one has loved it, so it's definitely a policy that will stick.  The only trouble is, I can't WAIT to share some of my favorite images with my clients!  Two weeks is a long time!  :)  Case in point:  I was preparing this teaser post today.... and realized I was doing a full-on feature with about 12 photos!  I had to delete ten of them from my post so this could just be a teaser.  That was hard!  This family was AWESOME.  The good news is, you can get a third teaser on my Facebook page.  You and I will just have to wait until they have their ordering session to see the rest featured on this blog!  I know, I know, it's rough.  I say we have some ice cream to get us through this hard time.

So, without further ado, let me introduce the S Family.  Pictured here, we have three generations.  Here's a great story:  This session was to be of both sides of the family; the little trio in the middle?  That's our main family:  Mum, Dad, and the happiest baby in the world (come back when I share the feature post for proof).  With us on the benches we have Dad's parents and siblings, and Mum's sister.  Mum's parents were supposed to be there as well, but they had to reschedule.  Here's the great part:  Mum's sister still came because she's just as close with Dad's family as Mum is, so it was completely appropriate and right that she be in their family photos.  I love that.  Love it!  The other great part is, I get to do another photo session with these folks when our second set of grandparents can do it! Woot woot!

We met in Brewster Gardens in Plymouth, MA for this shoot.  The forecast was rain - and lots of it.  With a backup plan of hitting up some shops in the harbor if it was downpouring, we all merged on the Gardens with hope that the drizzle we were feeling would be all we'd have to deal with.  It was.... almost.  The park also had the strangest sprinkler system I've ever seen.  They would go on suddenly for about 20 seconds and shut off... in no particular rhythm or pattern.  So, we had to rush from spot to spot hoping against hope that we wouldn't be soaked by a sprinkler!  The grandparents came close at one point, but we all remained un-drenched.  :)  And, the sun came out as we finished up.  It was actually a perfect session.  I LOVE the grey skies because they make all the colors pop and no one squints.  It's perfect.  And, this beautiful family ROCKED IT.  Seriously, every single person did a great job.  I can't wait to share more.  Seriously.  I have to post this and walk away from my computer.  Like I said, stay tuned for some more from this lovely session!



The S Family - Irish Eyes Photography - Brewster Gardens, Plymouth MA


Stunning Mother and Son Maternity Session - Irish Eyes Photography, Weymouth, MA