Rosie Mae is Fourteen Months Old!

For those of you who missed last month, let me remind you that, after her first birthday, we decided to change her monthly photo up a bit.  So, the rocking chair is out and snapping a candid photo of her doing what she's doing that day is in.  Add some bold white lettering and an artsy edit, and you've got the new setup.  Anything goes now.  Which makes it all the more exciting.

So here we go!

Every month I take a picture of my daughter, Rosie Mae.  Here she is at fourteen months:

This month we did have some runners up that we had a hard time choosing from.  We chose the one we did because we liked that she was looking over at where the wording would be and seemed concerned about it.  Which is why I phrased the final thought as an accusation.  Just to be fun.  Also, she totally ate that mulch.  And pretty much all the other mulch you see in the photo.  Pfft.

The runners up:

We loved that she was totally immersed in playing in the tunnel in the above shot.  This was our first runner up.  Mike made the decision to pick the winner over this because we can see her face.  I agree with his choice.  Artistically, I love that this one is slightly silhouetted, but you can still see the details of her face, clothing, etc.  Kinda fun.

I love the one below (so much so, I made it my personal Facebook cover photo) but I didn't like the building and cars in the background for the monthly shot.

Something about her peeking out in this shot made me giggle.  It captures our nosy little miss perfectly.  She was checking out some kids playing in the sound garden.Then, with the help of a friend (look closely and you can see her purple shirt peeking out from the bottom of the drum Rosie Mae is sitting on), I grabbed this shot because I thought it would be fun.  And I love it.  BUT, again, way too much going on in the background for the monthly shot.  Still, worth sharing.

So there you have it, folks.  On her fourteen-month-birthday, Rosie Mae and I went to a new playground with some good friends.  Afterwards she had a great nap, ate a yellow tomato and a slice of wheat bread for lunch, played in her playroom, went for a walk around the neighborhood, and generally had a nice day.  :)  Fourteen month olds seem to live the high life.

To see Rosie Mae’s First year, click on the “portfolio” tab above, and then click on the “Rosie Mae” option.G'night!-Kerry:)


The S Family (Part Two) Teasers - Irish Eyes Photography - Boston College, Newton MA


The S Family - Irish Eyes Photography - Brewster Gardens, Plymouth MA