The S Family - Irish Eyes Photography - Brewster Gardens, Plymouth MA

In the teaser post from right after this session, I mentioned that included in this family is the happiest baby I've ever seen.  I wasn't kidding.  And now that the family has had their order session and their prints are being printed, I get to share proof of exactly that.

Meet Baby A.  At the time of this shoot, I believe she was six months old.  She.  Was.  Awesome.  Here she is in one of my favorite candid shots from the session, with her adorable grandfather:

While she doted on everyone around here, there is clearly a special place in her heart for her Aunt.  Who, according to Baby A, is apparently hilarious.  :)She knew when to pose, too.  Check out this shot of her and her parents.  I love all that's going on here.  Dad's looking at me, Mum's loving Dad, Baby A is looking at me as if to say, "yup, my family's awesome," and, even though some would frown on the people in the background, I love it.  A nod to the extended family.  This shot was a quick grab before some posed shots and it's one of my favorites.  (Yes.. I said that about another shot...hahaha.. get used to that!)Mama and Baby A looking demure and lovely.  The tree we stood under suddenly got hit with a breeze and hundreds of blossoms fell gingerly through the air.  It was gorgeous and I'm so glad I was snapping away when that happened!A blossom free shot of the same gorgeous ladies:A good looking crew!Love this one of Dad and Baby A.  Have I given you sufficient proof that she is just the happiest ever?!  Love this little one.Dad and his family with Baby A.  I love how Nana is checking in on Baby A.  So sweet.And our whole gang for the final shot!  We even got the new boyfriend in on this one.  Poor guy didn't know what he was getting into!  He was a champ though. Brewster Gardens is a gorgeous spot for family portraits if you're thinking of a place to go.  Just look out for the sprinklers!

Thanks to the S Family for being so gorgeous and awesome.  And for that happy happy girl!  I can't wait for our next session!  That's right, folks.  Stay tuned; we'll be back in a few weeks with some more of these guys at the Boston College campus!  Can't wait.-Kerry:)P.S. if you're a friend or family member of the S Family and want to see the entire gallery, click here.  It is password protected, so please get the password from one of the folks in the photos above (I hear Baby A makes you play guessing games until you get it right, so maybe ask someone else for an easier answer).  :)


Rosie Mae is Fourteen Months Old!


The S Family Teasers - Irish Eyes Photography - Brewster Gardens, Plymouth, MA