A Wedding - St. Brigid's Church/Milton Hoosic Club - Irish Eyes Photography

I have one foot out the door for vacation but not before I share this stunning wedding with you folks.  Our bride and groom prefer a sense of anonymity but with their permission, I am able to share a few highlights from their glorious day... just without names.  That's right folks; I work with bad ass secret mission-type people.  ;)

Our couple got married on a SCORCHING HOT day in July.  There was as much sweating as there was rejoicing.  But Agent Bride and Agent Groom never let it bother them.  They are two very laid back and happy people.  It showed through every detail of their day and every friendship they shared with those around them.

Agent Bride got ready at her father's house and they had the cutest porch so I snuck the dress out for a quick "My Dress Hangs There" shot.  It also happened to be Frida Kahlo's birthday, so I felt it even more appropriate.  For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a link to my very favorite artist and inspiration.

Agent Bride was simply stunning.  She tells me she's not a huge fan of having her picture taken.  I have no idea why.  She is beautiful.  And she radiated joy on her day.

Agent Groom isn't particularly fond of being in front of the camera either (must have something to do with their top secret jobs), but yet again, this handsome fella photographed just fine!

The ceremony inside Saint Brigid's Church of Southie (South Boston) was lovely.

Their bridal party was super fun.  Getting groups shots was easy and hilarious.  What a great crew!

Agent Bride and Agent Groom only had a small amount of time for portraits together (as in, minutes), but we got some great shots while we could!  They were easy to photograph - like many brides and grooms - because they were so happy.  But our secret agents were also so laid back that it made it even easier.  Especially since we were racing against the clock!

The Milton Hoosic Club in Milton, MA was decorated so well by Agent Bride and her team.  Everything flowed seamlessly and looked lovely.

The favors (pint glasses) lit up on the tables were crazy fun!  Added a great ambiance to the event.  I always love when details include lighting choices.

They even had a candy table for everyone!  It was awesome!

When you have two people that don't prefer being photographed but... paid you to photograph them in the happiest moment of their lives... that can sometimes be difficult.  But there is one simple solution.  Luckily that solution also happens to be my favorite form of photography:  candid photography.  We may have only snagged a couple formal portraits of our fearsome duo, but man alive did they shine together on the dance floor.  That's the great thing about a first dance; yes everyone is staring at you, but... there's always a moment where you get lost in each other and that is so lovely.  These two were so happy to be dancing as man and wife.  It was absolutely gorgeous.  They're gorgeous.  Just look at them here:

A lot of photographers are really against wedding guests taking pictures.  There are many reasons they can ruin a great shot.  This is definitely true and I've had to delete many would-be-great-shots because of this.  But then sometimes, wedding guests help create a great shot with their flashes.  Like this one, for example.  Which is why I never mind guest photography.  I love what this flash did here!

Enough gushing.  Let's party!

It was actually really hard for me to pick the party pictures that looked the "most fun."  EVERYONE was killing it on the dance floor.  So I literally just closed my eyes and clicked five or so times.  Seriously, every single picture has someone rocking out in it.  It's awesome.  This was a great party.

Agent Bride and Agent Groom were no slouches either.  This next picture is actually a throwback to a similar photo from the very first wedding I shot.  Way before pinterest and massive sharing made it possible to steal ideas from everyone else.  A complete novice, I took a look at a photo from my first wedding and thought, "that looks like time froze.  I wonder if I can make that more blatant."  So I put everyone in black and white (a technique I almost never do anymore) and kept the bride and groom in color.  It totally worked!  When looking at this shot of our awesome couple, I thought it might work again.  And, I think it did!  I love that it not only freezes time a bit, but it shows off how truly happy they are with each other - even on a crowded dance floor.

Agent Bride and Agent Groom, thank you SO MUCH for allowing me to be a part of your wedding.  It was spectacular and surely a day you'll celebrate forever.

To see your entire gallery, click here.  For those of you who attended the wedding and would like to see the full gallery, you'll need to get the secret password from one of the agents.  :)

This is fun; I should shoot secret weddings more often!

And now, off to a beach house!-Not-So-Secret-Agent-Kerry:) 


Rosie Mae is Sixteen Months Old!


Center Stage Dance Recital 2013!!! - Irish Eyes Photography - Weymouth, MA