Rosie Mae is Sixteen Months Old!

Every month I take a photo of my daughter, Rosie Mae, on her monthly birthday.  Here she is at sixteen months:

Once she turned one and we retired the rocking chair, the photo shoots have revolved around catching her doing something she was already doing on her day.  No going to great lengths to get a certain shot, no dressing her up to look a certain way.  This month we were on vacation in Connecticut, and just like last year, we went to the private beach that accompanies our cottage.  This time we got to let her play since she's a walkin' talkin' member of society these days.  For fun, let's take a look at her 4 month shot in (almost) the exact same spot:


This month, this gorgeous little spot and my girl's exploration of it provided some great shots.  So, allow me to share some runners' up for this month's pick:

We loved the close up and the fists-of-sand, but ultimately, thought the brave and wild abandon of her knee-deep in the water was our favorite and so true to our girl right now.  The wild explorer.I can't deal with her lifting her skirt up.  Dancin'.  :)We love love love love LOVE this one, with that grin of hers, but we liked that the one we chose shows off how capable she is of standing on her own.  Since it looks like she's leaning on the rock here, we nixed it.  I love the playfulness of this one.


And finally, the one I was SURE we'd pick from the moment I took it; her sitting at the water's edge, looking out toward the open sea, and a wave crashing gently but actively beside her.  I am in awe of our girl here.  But later, when she walked out into the water and explored on her own (with us, of course, extremely close at hand), I was even more awed by her.  She is the coolest.  I am so proud of all the risks she takes and all the fun she has.  I was always one to run right into the ocean - sometimes with my clothes on - so her wild abandon makes me smile.  :)

Then again, pretty much everything she does makes me smile.

-Kerry:)p.s. due to being on vacation and then having a number of tasks to attend to afterward, this post is very late.  So you'll see her 17 month photo sooner than usual!  Hopefully we'll be back on track after that!  I'm still proud to say the picture itself has always been captured on her monthly birthday.  Posting it, on the other hand, has not always happened that timely.  :) 


Tiffany - Weymouth High School Class of 2014 - Teasers - Irish Eyes Photography


A Wedding - St. Brigid's Church/Milton Hoosic Club - Irish Eyes Photography