Dustin - Weymouth High School Class of 2014 - Irish Eyes Photography

I first introduced you to this good lookin' fella a couple weeks ago.  Now I'm back to share a little bit more from our awesome session at Nantasket Beach in Hull, MA.

When one thinks of Nantasket Beach, one doesn't often think it's the "perfect place" for a photo shoot.  Usually crowded, and a little more like a city beach than a rural one sometimes, it has a giant concrete wall instead of lovely sand dunes, a boardwalk with outdated amusements instead of a long and winding path to get to the beach with little fences and sea grass as far as the eye can see.  I'd like to submit evidence to the contrary and I'd also like to use this post to prove you only need a little bit of something awesome to make a good backdrop.

Here, Dustin is standing at the water's edge.  5 feet away, children are chasing some insane seagulls and couples are jumping in the water to cool off from the very hot day.  About 50 feet away, a young couple is having a serious crisis because they locked their keys in the car.  But as far as this picture's story goes, it was just Dustin, the beach, and me with my camera.

A quick lean on the carousel doors and angling for the gorgeous sunset the world offered us that night, and you'd never know traffic was just 10 feet away.I love the light in that photo.

This crazy little brick wall was probably inches wider than this shot shows.  Yet that was all we needed.  And it's perfect for his football jersey shots.  Would never have found that at a rural beach in the sand dunes.  See what I mean?  Don't always reach for the "status quo" idea...sometimes something much simpler and perhaps more awesome can be right next door.

Enough about location.  Let's talk about Dustin a bit. This very awesome guy is charming and sweet.  He's also hilarious and down to earth.  He's interested in studying industrial design when he goes off to college next fall.  I'm very excited to see where that takes him.

Dustin is also responsible for introducing me to Dunkin Donuts' pumpkin ice coffee.  I don't consider myself a coffee drinker.  I'll only have coffee if it's cold, and covered with other flavorings so I can barely taste the coffee.  Dustin's excitement for grabbing one after the shoot made me think, "hey, maybe I'll finally try it."  I did, and I have had far too many ever since.  :)Love this last shot.

I had a great time working with Dustin and his mom.  What a great family.  I consider myself a lucky girl for getting to work with such nice people.

Good luck in all that you do, Dustin!  And keep in touch; maybe I'll need your design skills one day!

-Kerry:)p.s. if you'd like to see Dustin's complete gallery, or order any prints, click here!


Rosie Mae is 18 Months Old!


Courtney - Weymouth High Class of 2014 - Teasers - Irish Eyes Photography