Irish Eyes Photography

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Christmas Mini Session #2 - Irish Eyes Photography - Weymouth, MA

This mini session was a blast because it was with a brand new family to Irish Eyes Photography. Technically they did stop by the Halloween Mini Sessions as well, but they had already booked this appointment so I still count them as new.  :)

Rain threatened to keep all the Mini Sessions indoors on this particular weekend, but the sun ended up shining and it was unseasonably warm!  So, everyone was delighted to be outdoors and camera ready.

Irish-Eyes-Photography-Christmas-Mini-Session-10I love the outfits worn by Big Brother and Little Sister.  So cute.  So wintery and so classic.  Little Sister's dress?  I want one in my size for next Christmas.  Hahaha.  Irish-Eyes-Photography-Christmas-Mini-Session-11These sweet kids had fun playing with all the props (every kid in the 2013 mini sessions embraced the jingle bells with a passion hahahaha).  Props are great, but sometimes (most times), I prefer the shots that capture a subject just being THEM.  I don't know these kids that well, but I LOVE this shot of Big Brother:Irish-Eyes-Photography-Christmas-Mini-Session-12Love it.  I can't vouch for if it captures his personality, but it certainly captures his cuteness.

Brother and Sister playing with Christmas Lights.  It might be in front of a backdrop with a Christmas prop handed to them, but it's such a fun candid shot.  They are totally immersed in this moment.

Irish-Eyes-Photography-Christmas-Mini-Session-13And then there's this shot:Irish-Eyes-Photography-Christmas-Mini-Session-15Don't worry; the lights were unplugged and Mama was RIGHT outside of the shot ready to grab the lights if Little Sister should try to eat them...which she did and, I got this shot right before Mama took the lights away.  :)  I just love her wide-eyed look right into the camera.  Hilarious.

This family was such a pleasure to get to know.  I hope to work with them again in the future.

Still one more Christmas Mini Session left to share tomorrow (not to mention more secret shoots that weren't mini sessions coming up) so stay tuned.  To keep updated on Irish Eyes Photography, be sure to Like my humble business on Facebook! -Kerry:)