B-Side Charlie Publicity Shots!
Irish Eyes Photography was thrilled to photograph local band B-Side Charlie recently!!! We had photographed their New Years Eve gig and ever since then, we've been working toward a photo shoot with the band. They were in need of some new professional shots since they now have two newer members (who are both fantastic additions). Since part of their name is named after the famous Boston subway system icon, Charlie, we figured the subway was a great place to set our shoot. We ran around and had a great time. With a lot of these shots, you'll notice a vast expanse of space somewhere in the photo (like the bottom half of the one above). This was done on purpose; B-side can use these photos for publicity and that space is there so they can put their name, gig info and contact info right into the picture (sort of like my watermark there, but bigger and bolder). Just imagine if they made an album and put the album name underneath as the cover. Not a bad look, eh?
What a good lookin' crew.
Many people commuting that day were a little confused by us and our poses/camera flashes/etc, but that just adds to the fun of photo shoots. Plus, it gave ample opportunity for the band members to promote their band, yelling "Bsidecharlie-dot-com" as they passed through! Hahah.
The three lead singers: Katie, Ryan and Jeff. These three are fantastic and, along with the rest of the band, have fun chemistry while performing. Their energy is truly contagious and promises a great night out wherever they're playing!
This one above is one of my favorites. The combination of everyone feeling more relaxed as the afternoon went on and the natural light at Quincy Adams Station made for a great round of photos. I knew, before even looking at the images, that these were going to be the best of the bunch. As the photographer, I can always tell when everyone gets more comfortable with having a camera in their face and as soon as that transition from weirded-out to pro-model happens, the photos get 10 times better.
Sometimes, bands have to be serious. Gives 'em street cred. ;)
I love the one above. I think most of the members of the band felt a little weird getting photographed but, they're all naturals. As soon as they relax, they look amazing. There's so much great emotion in this one yet everyone looks laid back.
You'll notice, especially in the above photo where I made it very clear, that all the members are wearing pink bracelets. They wear them in memory of the guitar player Darren's sister, who passed away in a tragic car accident this year. The whole town of Weymouth mourns this loss and the band wear their bracelets in remembrance.
Escalator to success!!! (LOL)
How cool are they?! (Clearly way cooler than I am after my 'escalator to success' pun...)
So definitely check out B-Side Charlie as soon as you can. They're a great cover-band in the area and you'll be so happy you got to have fun with them! I know I am!If you're in a band that needs shots during a gig or shots for publicity, get in touch with Irish Eyes Photography today!-Kerry:)